by Sarah Marshall Pragg | Apr 21, 2012 | News
This article from the Wilmington News Journal highlights a growing problem facing many Rust Belt communities: What can be done with massive, often-derelict industrial and transportation structures? Tearing them down can cost municipalities millions and redevelopment...
by Sarah Marshall Pragg | Apr 19, 2012 | News
UDaily published an article entitled, Masterful Masonry: University Dedicates Brick Learning Wall Showcase Near Bookstore on April 17, 2012 about a newly constructed brick learning wall that graces the west side of the Newark Opera House and showcases 35 different...
by Sarah Marshall Pragg | Apr 15, 2012 | News
The Mineta Transportation Institute has published a new research report entitled, The Impact of Center City Economic and Cultural Vibrancy on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, that concludes lower greenhouse gas emissions from reduced driving and greater public transit use...
by Sarah Marshall Pragg | Apr 6, 2012 | News
A WHYY TV video segment, “Exercise by Accident,” was recently aired on its weekly show First for Friday. The video features Delaware Division of Public Health Director Dr. Karyl Rattay, who explains how the Delaware Coalition for Healthy Eating and Active Living (DE...
by Sarah Marshall Pragg | Apr 5, 2012 | News
This new report by the MSU Land Policy Institute examines Michigan placemaking projects that attract growth through the education of relevant stakeholders, transformation of policies, removal of barriers and creation of incentives. The report also shares strategies...